2023 was a fantastic year to dip my toes into Practice Technology and I was lucky enough to get into training and presenting (which I have realized I really enjoy doing!).

Now that 2023 has come to an end, so too have the list of presentations you can find under Professional Design!

Now that I have a new role, I have even updated the listed types of presentations to include “Trainings”!

But what was really exciting? Even though it was my first year as a Practice Technology Specialist, I was given the opportunity to not only attend Autodesk University and NewformaWorld, but I was able to present in – not one, but TWO – presentations at the later!

What was I most proud of? Being requested to give a training to a team!

What’s next? Only an exciting year of even more training/presenting/learning opportunities! I already have a lunch & learn and hosted PhxBUG event planned in January (which the Phoenix Bluebeam User Group is open to the industry if you want to join in!). But, I am also hoping to bring in an Office hours opportunity to the firm complete with 20-30 minute quick trainings!