If you had one word to describe yourself, would you know what you would choose?
I was asked this question recently and it is really hard to find a single word that
- Accurately reflects who I am at this moment
- doesn’t reflect the person I may hope to be
So, I came up with:
When I think of an ambitious person, I think of someone who does more than what they have to. In some instances, this may be done to get ahead in their career (to which, I would say those people are more selfishly goal-oriented). But for me, it’s just something I like to do.
I could produce a set of documents, like what’s always done; but I could also enhance the Revit families used in each project to develop my skills and aid my peers with more advanced tools.
I could end each day at five and spend my free time doing other things, but I find joy in preparing study group presentations for my co-workers seeking their WELL AP accreditation on the weekends or filling my time working on my personal blog.
I start each day by listening to a LinkedIn Learning course or catching up on webinars I had missed earlier due to meetings.
Above all, more than all the “extra things” I do after work hours, on my own time: I continue to have a passion.
I feel I have an ambitious mindset to make every project worthy of an award. I ambitiously take on traking sustainability information, not because it was requested, but because I know it is the right thing to do.
I have ambition not because I do more than what’s asked.
I am ambitious because I LOVE doing more!